Liturgical Ministries

Jason Link
Director of Liturgy
Emily McNulty
Music Director

Ways to serve your Parish Family.

For the Church, the Liturgy is “the fount from which all her power flows,” (Sacrosanctum Concilium). To participate ministerially in the Liturgy is to offer your Parish Family a true gift of self, and to immerse yourself in what has always been the center of Christian worship. All Liturgical ministries are primarily acts of service: to God, to the Church, to your family, and to yourself. For questions about the Liturgy at St. Mary Parish, or to volunteer, please contact Jason Link at [email protected].

Altar Servers:

“[Serving] is a sacred duty, the worship of God, acted out in the ways the Lord has inspired within his Church,” (Ceremonies Explained for Servers, Bishop Peter J Elliot). Open to boys who have received their First Communion, Altar Servers assist the priests and deacons at Mass in the regulated worship of the Church. To be an Altar Server is to participate directly in “the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed,” (Sacrosanctum Concilium). All new Altar Servers must participate in training before being assigned to a team and a Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC):

EMHCs assist the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (i.e. the priests and deacons) in distributing the Eucharist, “that the faithful who are in the state of grace and rightly and devoutly wish to share in the sacred meal may not be deprived of this sacramental aid and solace,” (Immensae Caritatis). Specially mandated by the Archbishop, EMHCs distribute the Eucharist at Mass on Sundays, and take the Eucharist to the homebound and those in hospitals each week. Time commitment varies depending on preference. You must have received Confirmation in the Catholic Church to be mandated as an EMHC.


“In the readings… God speaks to his people, opening up to them the mystery of redemption and salvation, and offering spiritual nourishment,” (GIRM 55). By proclaiming the Word of God at Mass, the Lector participates in the action of Divine Revelation. It is through the lector that parishioners are nourished at the table of the Word, in preparation for the life-giving sacrament of the Eucharist. Baptized parishioners of all ages willing to speak in public are encouraged to consider this important ministry.


“Liturgical worship is given a more noble form when it is celebrated in song,” (Musicam Sacrum). We have a vibrant and growing music ministry at St. Mary with one end in mind: to provide beautiful music in support of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There are several great opportunities to become involved. Both Children’s and Adult’s Choir rehearsals are scheduled for every Wednesday during the normal choir year (September to June). Instrumentalists are also welcome. For more information, please contact Music Director Emily McNulty at [email protected]


“The celebration of the Mass is always enhanced by the use of the finest vessels, vestments, and other objects,” (Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite, Bishop Peter J Elliott). The role of Sacristans in preparing the physical objects to be used in the Mass is fundamental to ensuring the smooth celebration of the Liturgy. All baptized and confirmed men are invited to consider this ministry as a formation in the ‘behind the scenes’ work that goes into every Mass.


“Practice hospitality ungrudgingly to one another,” (1 Pet. 4:9). The Usher ministry is responsible for maintaining order in the Church before, during, and after the Mass. Tasks include taking up the offertory collection, counting Mass attendance, and being available for any special needs that may arise. All parishioners are welcome to join this important ministry. Children ages 10 to 15 are encouraged to serve as Junior Ushers with their parents.