The Magnificat Adoration Chapel with perpetual adoration offers an opportunity for you to watch and wait with Jesus. You are invited to enter into a quiet and peaceful environment to pray, reflect, give thanks, and adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament one hour a week. We encourage you to sign up for a regular hour of adoration each week, but visitors are always welcome. The Chapel door is unlocked from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm daily. An entry code is required at night from 6:30 pm to 6:30 am. Contact Jim Feldhake at [email protected] or the parish office to obtain the entry code.
What wonderful majesty! What stupendous condescension! O sublime humility! That the Lord of the whole universe, God and the Son of God, should humble Himself like this under the form of a little bread, for our salvation!
–St. Francis of Assisi
Do you realize that Jesus is there in the tabernacle expressly for you – for you alone?
–St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Click here for our Adorer’s Handbook.
See all our Adoration videos here.

Perpetual Adoration
Adoration Opportunities
Adoration team leaders:
- 3am to 8am-Jim Feldhake-720.839.5880
- 9 am to 2 pm-Mary Ellen Gormican-720.985.8224
- 3 pm to 8 pm-Mike McNulty 303.237.9164
- 9pm to 2am-Mark Dolan-720.788.1836
Available Hours With Special Need For An Adorer
- Monday 7 am
- Wednesday 10 am
- Friday 1 pm
- Saturday 10 am
Hours Needing A Second Assigned Adorer
- Monday 2 pm
- Tuesday 10 am
- Wednesday 12 pm
- Thursday 9 am, 10 am
- Friday 9 pm
- Saturday 4 pm
To commit to an hour or to be a substitute, please go to: to sign up. Please contact Jim Feldhake, at 720.839.5880 or [email protected] for questions or further information. Thank you!9 pm