J O I N U S S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 1 8 , 6 : 0 0 P M A T S T . M A R Y P A R K
You are invited to a special celebration to conclude our Easter season!
- We will burn the palms we received on Palm Sunday and pray a Rosary together, we will seek the intercession of the Blessed Mother that the fire the Holy Spirit enkindle in us in a new and deeper faith this Pentecost.
- You are welcome to bring any broken, blessed sacramentals you have to burn in the bonfire. Palms can be dropped off beginning Saturday morning at St. Mary Park next to the pits that are dug near the baseball field. The ashes from the fire will be used for Ash Wednesday 2025.
- After the Rosary, the celebration continues! Bring a picnic for your family and spend time with your friends in the community. The parish will provide drinks and cookies. Bring a blanket or chair to sit on.
Pentecost Sunday
Help Decorate – Help us decorate our church as we receive the Holy Spirit. Everyone, young and old, men and women are invited to wear their most vibrant red outfits to Mass Pentecost weekend
Celebrate the Birthday of the church on Sunday, May 19th after the 7:30 and 9:30 am Masses with Birthday cake in Marian Hall
- Specialty drinks will be provided by St. Joe’s Coffee and Tea Ministry.
- Gospel Magician Mr. Mark Krekler will have a very engaging presentation for the children about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.